by Mark Miller | Jan 6, 2019 | Hormesis
Calabrese-et-al-2019_Range of max stimulatory response An ever-expanding hormetic database (HDB) was used to demonstrate that the median maximal hormetic stimulatory response (MHSR) of biphasic dose-response relationships increases in value with an increase in the...
by Mark Miller | Jan 5, 2019 | Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Fukushima, Nuclear Power
Specter-2019_Become a nuclear safety expert “You too can become a nuclear safety expert, and it should take you less than an hour. Becoming a nuclear safety expert does not require an advanced college degree. Further, you may learn aspects of nuclear safety that many,...
by Mark Miller | Dec 28, 2018 | Featured Articles But we can keep this shell game going for only so long. We need to listen to scientists that know how to treat and dispose of this...
by Mark Miller | Dec 23, 2018 | Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, Nuclear Medicine
Parachutes-Researchers Show Parachutes Don’t Work, But There’s A Catch (2) Funny, thought-provoking article! This investigation represents how some of the flawed methods and statistical approaches we find in research confirming the LNT model may also be used...