by Mark Miller | Jun 26, 2020 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis, Radiophobia
Calabrese-Paunio-2020 You can have ‘toomuch of a good thing’. But can you have ‘too little of a bad thing’? Professor Calabrese has shown that a great many things that are damaging in large quantities may – in small doses, below a certain threshold – do no harm or...
by Mark Miller | May 12, 2020 | Hormesis, Radiophobia
Agathokleous-Calabrese-2020_Environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology Global agendas for sustaining clean environments target remediation ofmultimedia contaminants, but howclean is clean? Environmental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology focus on issues concerning “clean”....
by Mark Miller | Feb 7, 2020 | Hormesis
Piao_C_-Effects of Radon From Hot Springs-2020 Radon hot springs in Pingshan County posed no obvious threats to the health of residents and may enhance immune function....
by Mark Miller | Feb 7, 2020 | Featured Articles, Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis, Nuclear Medicine, Radiophobia
Allison-2020_The cotrarian who cures cancer James P. Allison believed that unleashing the immune system was a way to beat cancer when almost no one else did. A Nobel Prize and a growing list of cancer survivors vindicate him. ...
by Mark Miller | Jan 19, 2020 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis, Nuclear Medicine
Dahal-2019_LDIR and cancer risk One should also bear in mind that over-estimating the harmful effects of ionizing radiation could falsely alarm physicians to not to order such imaging tests and could impose greater risk to patients than that associated with diagnostic...
by Mark Miller | Dec 17, 2019 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis, Radiophobia
Stabin_2019_J._Radiol._Prot._39_1126 Mike’s Stabin’s critical comments on Ansari’s LNT article: ...