by Mark Miller | Aug 10, 2018 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis Edward J. Calabrese, , Jaap C. Hanekamp, , and Dima Yazji Shamoun Abstract This article strongly supports the Environmental Protection Agency proposal to make significant changes in their cancer risk assessment...
by Mark Miller | Jul 7, 2018 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis
by Mark Miller | Jun 4, 2018 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis, Nuclear Medicine
by Mark Miller | Jun 2, 2018 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis
Howard_Ducoff_on_Radiation_Hormesis_2002 Ahead of its time? Is it time...
by Mark Miller | May 17, 2018 | Hormesis
stress from lack of background levels of ionizing radiation Abstract Natural ionizing background radiation has exerted a constant pressure on organisms since the first forms of life appeared on Earth, so that cells have developed molecular mechanisms to avoid or...
by Mark Miller | Apr 29, 2018 | Hormesis, LNT Hypothesis Scroll down to the bottom for the 3/25/18 episode on radiation. This is an interesting 2 ½ minute talk by astronomer Bob Berman on radiation hormesis. It comes from a completely unexpected source but is right on target – with the...