Detriments from the Fear of Low Levels of Radiation
Deaths caused by the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Deaths cause by the Unnecessary Evacuations following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Radiation deaths from the Fukushima nuclear accident
W.H.O. estimated DEATHS PER YEAR due to air pollution from fossil fuels, most occur in Asian and the Western Pacific
Estimated Deaths from Fear Induced Abortions after the Chernobyl Accident
Deaths from Acute Radiation Syndrome following the Chernobyl Accident of 1986
Deaths from the Great London Smog of 1952
Deaths from the failure of China's Banqiao Dam in 1975
Benefits from Radiation Producing Technologies:
Advancements in Science
Clean Energy
Advancements in Medicine
Slowing Climate Change
LNTgate: How LNT benefited from editorial actions
This paper illustrates how the acceptance of the linear non-threshold (LNT) dose response model was unethicallyadvocated and advanced both by key scientists within the radiation genetics community, and by editorialpractices in Science, a leading international...
Seven Years Fukushima -Residential Measurements
Significant dose and...
Low-Dose Radiation Therapy and Severe COVID-19-Related Pneumonia
Conclusion/Summary• LD-RT for COVID-19 appears to be safe• LD-RT seems to improve oxygen status, delirium, radiographs, and biomarkerswhen compared against age and comorbidity matched cohorts• Confirmatory trials are needed. [pdf-embedder...
Nuclear energy myths versus facts support its expanded use – a review by Robert Bruce Hayes
Hayes-Nuclear-energy-myths-versus-facts-support-its-expanded-use-a-reviewDownload In order to promote a sound basis for considering the role of nuclear in climate change, this review spans the technical topics of social and political debate surrounding nuclear energy...